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Blast Furnace Refractory

Course Fee : 12 USD

  • Course Duration : 2 Hrs.
  • Validity : 60 Days

This course includes certification from TATA STEEL


A blast furnace is a type of metallurgical furnace used for smelting iron ore to produce pig iron. Blast furnaces are lined with refractory materials, which are materials that are resistant to high temperatures and wear. The purpose of the refractory lining is to protect the blast furnace from the high temperatures and abrasive nature of the materials being processed, and to help maintain the furnace's temperature and shape.
Refractory materials for blast furnaces must be able to withstand high temperatures, mechanical wear, and chemical attack, and must be able to maintain their structural integrity over long periods of time. The selection of the appropriate refractory materials for a particular blast furnace depends on a variety of factors, including the temperature and chemical environment of the furnace, the type of materials being processed, and the desired service life of the refractory lining.

Course Objective

The basic objective of this e-learning module on ’Blast Furnace Refractory’ is to enhance knowledge of the working principles of various types of Blast Furnace and importance of  Refractory  In this e-learning module, participants will also learn how meet all relevant safety and performance standards.

Course Curriculum

In this module the following topics are covered:
1. Objectives
2. Hot Blast Stove
3. Hot Blast Carrying System
4. Furnace Power
5. Cooling System

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